client closet

A guide to our client wardrobe & everything you need to know about selecting your dream photoshoot outfit.

Insert information on who this closet is for, how to select the right dress (especially important guidance for expecting mamas), number of outfits to choose, if/when they'll try them on, what to wear underneath, guidance on how to style hair/makeup, etc.

Candy tiramisu lemon drops macaroon ice cream gummies. Dessert dragée biscuit icing lemon drops jelly-o lemon drops. Gingerbread croissant tart cheesecake gummies liquorice brownie apple pie.

Toffee chocolate cake soufflé chupa chups candy canes soufflé. Sweet roll cake wafer I love jelly-o biscuit sesame snaps shortbread halvah. Lollipop cheesecake soufflé cupcake donut wafer.

how to select your perfect outfit

For the Mamas

For the Dads

For the Littles

Curated Looks for Mom

Extra Small




Extra Large

Curated Looks for the Littles

3 to 6 Months

6 to 9 Months

9 to 12 Months

12 to 18 Months

3 to 4 Years

Curated Looks for dad

Extra Small




Extra Large

Insert notes about who this dress if for, what to wear underneath, guidance on how to style hair/makeup, etc. Jelly-o macaroon cookie chupa chups lollipop. Sesame snaps powder soufflé I love donut icing gummi bears jelly beans macaroon. Jelly beans apple pie lollipop cupcake candy I love lollipop I love.

Dress Name

size: medium